Meal Prepping 101

The New Year is typically a time where many strive to make a fresh start; whether that be with healthier eating, a better exercise routine, or staying more organized. For our family, we are sticking with our healthy eating habits and sharing what worked for us with you.

Our much anticipated Meal Prep blog post is finally ready to share! We are splitting this up into three parts, each to be released throughout the month of January. Follow along with us, and sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when the next step publishes. Feel free to ask questions along the way so we can answer those on future posts.

urban oreganics - vegan meal prep - eco-friendly meal prep guide

First and foremost, why Meal Prep and what does that mean?
Meal prepping is exactly what it sounds like, so no explanation really needed. The how is typically what trips people up. We prep weekly, so all our blog posts will be centered around our menu and prep that goes into one week’s worth of meals. Our family of four (hubby, two boys, and myself) are vegan. We also eat organic and mostly gluten-free. You can make adjustments to meet your family’s lifestyle as needed.

Using our convenient Meal Prep guide, you will start to enjoy the benefits of preparing ahead each week (or whatever time frame you choose). Since meal-prepping, we have saved hundreds - or dare I say thousands - on our grocery bill. And, we eat out less because our food is already prepped. There’s no stress or question of what’s for dinner! All our recipes are portion-controlled so we have zero wasted food. Overall, I’ve saved countless hours by shopping and prepping all in one day.

When making a lifestyle change such as this, don’t feel like it needs to be all or nothing. Start with just planning your meals ahead of time and creating an organized grocery list. Once that becomes routine, you can start prepping 2-3 meals per week and work up from there. Or just stay there, if that feels right. Every little bit you do will save you time (and money) later in the week.

eco-friendly meal prep - urban oreganics blog - vegan eats

Our first official meal prepping post will publish on January 1st and will be a concise overview of my meal prepping plan from start to finish. Parts 2 and 3 will be announced at later dates in January.

Part 1: Plan & Prep

Part 2: Fave Products to Utilize

Part 3: Healthy Eating

If you already follow us @urbanoreganics on Instagram, you can watch our stories every Sunday to check out what we’re eating that week. The stories will not go into as much detail as the blog, however, if you’re a visual learner, this will certainly help guide you on your journey to healthier - and more budget-friendly - eating!

Good luck with your meal-prepping journey. Healthier, eco-friendly, and budget-conscious eats are in your near future!




Follow along for our weekly meal plan updates HERE.

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Urban Oreganics Owners

About Us

Hi! We’re Cory & Emily, husband and wife, parents, and co-owners of Urban Oreganics. Over the years, we’ve developed a passion for creating an eco-friendly, minimalist lifestyle for our family. We’re always discovering new sources of inspiration and are excited to share those with you through our blog.

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