Category — eco-friendly

Why You’ll Want to Avoid Palm Oil

Why You’ll Want to Avoid Palm Oil

Just because it’s plant based doesn’t automatically make it green. Let’s get into what palm oil is, how it’s replaced in common household goods and why it’s not as good for the environment as the companies selling it would like you to believe.

Why You Need To Start Thrifting

Why You Need To Start Thrifting

We all know shopping secondhand is so. Much. Greener. But thrift shopping can be so intimidating—how many Buffalo Exchanges will you need to go through for a great fitting pair of jeans?? You just need to know the easy tips and tricks to be an expert.

Urban Oreganics Owners

About Us

Hi! We’re Cory & Emily, husband and wife, parents, and co-owners of Urban Oreganics. Over the years, we’ve developed a passion for creating an eco-friendly, minimalist lifestyle for our family. We’re always discovering new sources of inspiration and are excited to share those with you through our blog.

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