Category — DIY

Green Easter Fun: How To Celebrate Sustainably

Green Easter Fun: How To Celebrate Sustainably

There are many different ways that families celebrate Easter, but when children are involved, this sometimes means the giving of an Easter basket filled with treats and an Easter egg hunt. We’ve gathered a list of thoughtful gifts that will serve a purpose and bring joy well after the egg hunt is over.

10 Ways to Keep Busy During Quarantine

10 Ways to Keep Busy During Quarantine

Hello from quarantine! Now that you may have settled into this temporary “normal,” we figured it was the perfect time to share our tips on living a minimalist lifestyle, meal prepping, healthy skin routines, and more to help you productively pass the time while you're safe at home.

COVID-19: Our New Normal

COVID-19: Our New Normal

It's hard to believe that just 2 weeks ago life was perfectly normal. As a long time homebody, not a lot has changed for us since the spread of COVID-19 rocked everyone’s world. But I have to admit, even for an introvert who has worked from home for 6.5 years, it’s a lot to take in. Here's how we're getting through it.

Urban Oreganics Owners

About Us

Hi! We’re Cory & Emily, husband and wife, parents, and co-owners of Urban Oreganics. Over the years, we’ve developed a passion for creating an eco-friendly, minimalist lifestyle for our family. We’re always discovering new sources of inspiration and are excited to share those with you through our blog.

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