Category — veganism

30 Days to a Simpler Life

30 Days to a Simpler Life

Now that the year has started (and flown by), it's a good time to hit the reset button. Insert our "30 Days to a Simpler Life" guide here. This guide includes purging different parts of your home and your life, physically, electronically, and mentally. Our hope is that this guide will serve as a placeholder to come back to whenever you’re in need of a reset.

Why You Should Give Seaweed a Chance

Why You Should Give Seaweed a Chance

Beside promising that seaweed is actually nothing to be afraid of—and in fact, quite delicious—it’s also a plant chockful of nutritional value, sustainably planted, and proving to be saving our oceans. We’re gonna say it should be the next kale: and here’s why.

Our Favorite Vegan Holiday Dishes

Our Favorite Vegan Holiday Dishes

If you are new to this lifestyle, or are just interested in including more plant-based meals, it can be tricky to navigate during the holidays. Chances are, you will be attending a few events where you have the opportunity to introduce your friends and family to some delicious plant-based dishes. Here are some of our favorites for the holiday season.

5 Natural Remedies for Colds

5 Natural Remedies for Colds

With colds and flus and fevers (oh my!) abound, people rush to Vitamin C packets, pharmacy drugs, and drinks promising to fight illnesses within a near impossible timeline, but what are the best natural remedies you can make or do yourself?

DIY Plant-Based Milk

DIY Plant-Based Milk

Did you know you can make your own plant-based milk at home with just a few steps? After many questions on our social media posts, we decided to consolidate all of the information we have on creating your own plant-based milk into one blog post, including the why, the how, and some of our favorite recipes.

Urban Oreganics Owners

About Us

Hi! We’re Cory & Emily, husband and wife, parents, and co-owners of Urban Oreganics. Over the years, we’ve developed a passion for creating an eco-friendly, minimalist lifestyle for our family. We’re always discovering new sources of inspiration and are excited to share those with you through our blog.

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